Luxury international dating agency Amsterdam
GUERDA International

What could be more romantic than a romantic cruise along the canals? Amsterdam, one of the most beautiful cities in Europe, is known worldwide for its famous canals and its many museums. That’s why  the international dating agency Amsterdam, Guerda International,  is coming to meet its future members in the capital of the Netherlands.

Dating agency Andorra

Guerda herself comes from the Dutch bourgeoisie and is an icon. She is known for her success as a love coach and dating counsellor for over twenty years. She is a true relationship professional with a proven track record in the luxury dating industry. In addition, she has an extensive international address book. Her social standing and her career as a model have allowed her to attend the most exclusive events and to travel all over the world. Her experiences and her career allow her to have a multitude of profiles to propose to you, wherever you are. A true reference in the world of high-end dating, this radiant woman has a flawless intuition and a determination to succeed.

Guerda International :

luxury dating agency Amsterdam

Don’t know how to meet people?

Our team of experts will help you find the right person for you. After a detailed interview, Guerda determines the key elements and criteria you are looking for in your partner. Guerda’s international contacts and determination will help on the search of your soulmate. All of this based on your expectations

Guerda International ensures that its members are from high socio-professional categories and speak fluent English. We make it a point to find the person who perfectly matches your criteria to ensure a stable and long-lasting relationship. Whether you are a fan of theatre, hiking, biking or travelling, we will find you the perfect partner to share your daily life together.

If you want to end your loneliness and finally build a lasting relationship in the romantic city of Amsterdam, contact our international premium marriage agency – Amsterdam, without further delay.