Before we begin, we want you to know that our hearts go out to you and we hope that you and your loved ones are doing well.
The words of our ancestors are now to be reconsidered. Open yourselves to a new perception of life.
A quote from Hannah Arendt now has its place in our crisis situation.
« When everyone lies to you all the time, the result is not that you believe the lies but that no one believes anything anymore. A people who can no longer believe anything cannot form an opinion. It is deprived not only of its capacity to act but also of its capacity to think and to judge. With such a people, you can do whatever you want. »
Let’s make the most of it
Confinement prevents you from going out but not from thinking. Let’s not be more anxious about the situation, but let’s take advantage of it to open up to a new perception of life, the world and our current society since we are given time.
Our health is a primordial well-being that we must take care of and maintain, so it is essential to follow the safety measures imposed for the good of all. But let’s not forget our ideologies.
It is also important to take advantage of this time to open up to new convictions, to help each other, to share, to listen. Let’s go back to the essential, to the values that bind us together and thanks to which we will only be stronger. We will only come out stronger.
Open up
Be human, be humble, be open and listen to each other. Some of these traits may seem obvious to some but are not to all. But they must become so for the complete well-being of the population. In short, to be open to a new perception of life.
Let’s take advantage of it to read new books since « reading is the food of the mind » as Seneca said. Harmonize your living space, nothing better to rediscover and change yourself from within than by giving a new life to your environment. Open yourself to new passions, like cooking, discover, feel new flavors and smells, it can only be beneficial for yourself.
These occupations, these values that you will accumulate will unconsciously open you to a new perception of life. A perception that will only be positive and beneficial to you and to those around you.
Get back to the basics
Let us be in symbiosis with what surrounds us, let us be in symbiosis with the world.
Getting back to basics is important, otherwise we would not be able to remain serene during this period. The desire to stay alive in these moments of fear and doubt in the face of an invisible enemy must not drown our reason for being that makes us what we are today.
Let us continue to create, to imagine, simply to live within ourselves.
During this unprecedented period, we assure you that our services will be available for any need.
Guerda International stands with its clients and all those affected by this global phenomenon.