Does being happy mean being in love?
To be happy is above all to feel good about yourself and to accept yourself! It is essential to be able to bring a stable relationship to your partner. If you are not happy with yourself, how can someone else be?
If we are not happy with ourselves and if past emotions and/or childhood wounds still haunt us, it will be difficult for us to be serene. Moreover, fully commit to the search for happiness.
Happiness cannot be bought, it must be cultivated. If we don’t find it in our innermost being, we won’t find it anywhere else! Happiness is a state of mind and sharing.
Being single is not an end, sharing with friends and family is important and fills a large part of the lack of affection. Being in a couple must participate in cultivating an already present happiness. On the other hand, it is necessary to have some common starting points to share together.

Similar values
Our values are shaped by our childhood, our character and reflect our priorities and lifestyles. A healthy couple thrives on differences while sharing similar values. It is not necessary that our partner has the same interests. On the other hand, sharing an equivalent opinion on the basic subjects will be able to help considerably with the stability and the happiness of the couple, and thus to make you happy.
A complicity in the intimacy
If sexuality is often a taboo subject, it is nonetheless very important in the life of a couple. However, if you have been living together for a long time, you tend to pay less attention to it and this is a pitfall that you must not fall into. It is imperative to maintain the desire and arouse the envy daily. To do this, we do not hesitate to talk about our fantasies to our companion. Moreover, one should not cease to discover each other differently, by the means of new caresses. The pleasure must evolve and never fall in the routine.

My partner, my best friend
The one who will listen to our worries and find the right words to reassure us. He or she will be there for us in good times and bad; he or she will give us reassuring arms when we need them. Indeed, in everyday life, the couple is nourished by dialogue. It is necessary to show listening and altruism, to regulate the small conflicts by speaking about it immediately and to forget definitively the unsaid things.
Maintaining projects together
We always ask the question does being happy mean being in love? To evolve in harmony, a couple needs to constantly renew itself through new challenges and new desires. There is no age to accomplish our dreams after all, and it is even better with our lover. Rather than letting ourselves be carried along by life without expecting anything more, we don’t hesitate to maintain projects and to do everything possible to achieve them. That will have the advantage of bringing us closer to our half and of maintaining the connivance which exists in the couple. To wish that our couple evolves is a positive attitude because it allows to dynamise our love and thus our happiness.
Being happy as a couple is a funny recipe where love, our two personalities and some efforts in the daily life are mixed. This can sometimes be restrictive, it is true. But there is nothing more beautiful than a relationship which, progressively, realizes itself and leads us in a happiness of every moment.