At 50 years old, a love life is far from over! Do you want a second youth rocked by love, a second love life? Then you’re just in time! Yes, falling in love after 50 years old is possible as long as you really want to!
A new love life is waiting for you.
Being single at 50 is not an end in itself, far from it! Beautiful encounters happen when you don’t expect them or no longer expect them. For this, it is advisable to listen to the other person and to adopt the right attitudes. It is important to understand what this means: All you have to do is make yourself more available to encourage new encounters. Because beautiful encounters are provoked! If you keep an observant posture during a meeting, or a meeting, nothing will happen!

Get out of your comfort zone, which is detrimental to new relationships, and move forward by encouraging the present moment. By staying in a position where we awaken our critical sense, we measure our words, we control what we want to show about ourselves, we measure our gestures, what do we get? Eventually interest, but not the magic of an encounter!
Some women miss out on a meeting.
They don’t give the man enough confidence to confide in them, to reveal themselves, and you close the doors to happiness. How to do it? It is therefore time for you to reveal yourself. If you meet a man who seduces you and you get closer, then you will break down the barriers that separate you from a new romance and a door will open to the man who attracts you. You will then make the magic of mutual attraction possible. Falling in love after 50 years old seem like a fairy tale.
So, a piece of advice, get out of your house, go and provoke a meeting, put on your most beautiful clothes and your « magic make-up kit » ! Your power of seduction in your fifties will have nothing to envy to that of your 30 years old…
Know that Guerda International can also advise and coach you in seduction and makeover if you need it.