We live in a society where the cult of the perfect body has taken a considerable place. Advertisements, magazines and televisions do not cease to show us bodies thinner than the others. As if thinness was necessarily synonymous with beauty. Although the appearance is not the most important criterion in seduction, some people, complexed, refuse to seduce and to be seduced. Does a plump woman attract less than others?
When it comes to figure, we are far from being equal: very round, very thin, in the « average » … As far as you are concerned, you have generous shapes, some curves that you do not necessarily assume. You are single, and for you, this situation is due to those extra pounds. You think that it is a handicap to find love. Moreover, you think pertinently that the men go towards the thin and slender women. You also think that women are not attracted to round men. But is this really the case?
Contrary to what you may think, all men are different and not all are attracted to the same type of woman. Physical appearance is a matter of taste, totally subjective and personal. Not all men are obsessed with a woman’s weight, so it is useless to make generalizations. Finding love when you are round is possible.
Physical criteria
Beyond the simple physical criteria, men especially like women who have confidence in them and who make it feel! These men also particularly appreciate women who know how to show off. So stop hiding behind your complexes and try to assume yourself! We all have flaws and other small complexes, but for some, this is not necessarily felt by others. Whatever your morphology, you must learn to sublimate yourself and emphasize your assets.
For example, your clothing style must bring out your femininity and not hide your curves or a hairstyle that suits you… Also, you may make great efforts, if your state of mind does not follow, they may be in vain. You have to believe in yourself, free yourself from your demons and little inner voices that make you believe that you have no chance to please. Finding love when you are round is subject to have a positive and open mind.
Put all the chances on your side to meet new people, give a boost to destiny! The longer you stay on your couch or in bed, the less likely you are to meet someone. Love is a matter of chance, of course, but you also have to do your part! If you find it difficult to go out and meet other people, it is always possible to get help and advice from professionals in seduction and dating.