Meeting the family of the person who makes your heart skip a beat is a must. Indeed, after several months of relationship, this moment comes naturally. A new step must be taken in the love relationship. It also shows that your partner trusts you. Are you anxious about this meeting? It is completely normal! Some people find this meeting more stressful than a first date. Our Guerda international agency offers valuable advice on how to successfully complete this important step. First meeting with the in-laws: our advices.

Get informed beforehand
First of all, we advise you to find out about his/her family beforehand. Beyond remembering their names and faces, ask your partner about their passions and what drives them on a daily basis. This will allow you on D-Day to have endless conversations…
It will also show the interest you have in them. They will be delighted. Beyond that, it will be a question of informing you on the functioning of your family, on the tensions which can exist, in order to approach this meeting in the best way.

Ask questions
The big day has arrived! After delivering a gift (or not) to your in-laws, it’s time to join the conversation. To do this, build on what you know about them, ask them questions! Show that you are conversational, that you want to get to know them…
Of course, you might be a little confused, being in an unfamiliar environment, where everyone knows each other. To appear more confident, just pretend to be! These moments of shyness or anxiety that may occur will only be very short… It will only take a little time to acclimate to this new environment.
Don’t change
Of course, you want to make a good impression on your in-laws. However, it is not a question of playing a role in order to make yourself more likeable and pleasant. The worst thing would be to overdo it. His family will feel it instantly. First meeting with the in-laws: our advices are essential.
On the contrary: be yourself! From your looks to your conversations, be yourself. It’s this authentic and natural side that appealed to your other half and will undoubtedly appeal to his family!