What does it mean to love oneself?
To love oneself above all, is to take care of oneself, to have a benevolent look at oneself, subtly mixed with gentleness and lucidity. It is also to welcome one’s strengths and weaknesses and to face them.
Everyone feels the need to be loved during his or her life and we often find the same observation. A person who does not love himself or herself has probably lacked affection. Also, even love at a crucial moment in his or her life.
One then seeks to find this look in someone else, the one who has only allowed to build positive of oneself. To love oneself in order to love better is an important step.
In the fact of loving the other, there is obviously, to love oneself.
When we say « I love you », there is unconsciously the question « do you love me?
To love, to be ready to seduce or to redo your love life, you must be attractive. Moreover and therefore know how to highlight your skills, your assets. When you don’t like yourself, you send back a negative image of yourself that will not make people want to go towards you.

2 keys to love yourself in order to love
Loving yourself means learning to listen to yourself and to take care of yourself, to accept yourself and to respect yourself. It is only under these conditions that you will be able to love someone else, to turn towards others.
Accepting that you are not perfect.
This is a difficult step but it is essential. Without it, you will not be able to love someone else.
Self-esteem is a fragile thing. Being aware of yourself, of your abilities, of what you can do, is also accepting that reality does not conform to your idea of yourself.
Learning to assert yourself.
Life is full of opportunities that can help you to assert yourself.
This assertiveness is a matter of authenticity, it is knowing how to live and respect yourself, it is being honest with yourself. To love oneself in order to love better is essential.
Stay in touch with your needs, your feelings, your desires and ask yourself the right questions. Finally, learn to formulate your wishes, your desires.