In the search for love, all means, or almost, are good to find the soul mate. In the age of 2.0 and of being connected, the internet has become a means to put all the chances on one’s side. Dating sites are constantly multiplying to meet the growing demand. Nevertheless, on the web, some meetings can turn into real nightmares. Typology of traps and mistakes to avoid in your quest for love online.
Behind all these websites, there are obviously people who are really looking for a real love story, but not only. Others are there to test their power of seduction by multiplying meetings and adventures. Finally, some unscrupulous people are quite ill-intentioned and can make you live a real ordeal if you are not on your guard. Through a screen, one can have the impression to know a person and one forgets very quickly that this one is in reality a stranger. Caution and distrust are therefore required.
First trap to avoid
Internet dating: pitfalls to avoid number 1. Among the traps to be avoided are the pure swindlers. They are clearly not here to find love, far from it. They are more interested in your wallet. Often based abroad, to achieve their goals, they use false photos, lie about their living conditions … In short, they invent a new identity. And one day, they find a pretext to ask you for help (money) by assuring you that they will pay you back. Except that you will never see the money. They are called « Scammers »!

Second trap to avoid
There is another type of scammer that is rampant on the web: the inveterate seducers! They are clearly not on dating sites to start a stable and serious relationship. They are not « dangerous » in the strict sense of the word, but they can still play with your feelings and make you suffer if you are looking for a real relationship.
Third trap to avoid
Internet dating: pitfalls to avoid number 3. Finally, some men (or women) are single… only on the net! Married in life, they surf the net for an adventure or to reassure themselves about their seduction capacities. They never talk about their private lives. You don’t talk to them much in the evening or on weekends, they are never sure of their availability etc. These signs should alert you.

Don’t believe everything you see, a beautiful picture or beautiful words should not deceive you, Prince Charming does not exist! There are traps to avoid. Also avoid sending money to someone you only know virtually. If you have any doubts, when possible, move quickly to the meeting stage (which will take place in a public place of course!).
With all this information and advice, you are now ready to launch yourself into « Web Dating » without any danger. For those who are still recalcitrant and would like to be helped. You can turn to Guerda International that will accompany you throughout your search by avoiding certain traps.